Canadia Co.
(613) 530-5234
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    Canadia Co.
    2263 Princess Street
    Kingston, ON   K7M 3G1

    Toll Free: (855) 222-6234
    Kingston: (613) 530-5234

  • Site Credits

    Vintage content courtesy of Rick Archbold, Author of: A Flag for Canada.

    Education and Heritage

    Education and Heritage perspective content was taken from the Department of Canadian Heritage publication Symbols of Canada.

    Flag Credits

    Proposed flag for Canada featuring the Union Jack, blue stripes, and a fleur-de-lis inside a red maple leaf, submitted by the St. Lambert Quebec Branch of the Canadian Legion, 1964. © Government of Canada. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada (2011).

    Source: Library and Archives Canada/Credit: T. G. A. Henstridge/Dept. of the Secretary of State collection/C-105717.

    Proposed flags for Canada: Vintage Flags (Vintage #1 = 1946 committee recommendation).

    Source: Maclean's Magazine July 1st 1954 Dominion Day Issue.

    Credit: Rex Woods or Unknown.